By special request, here comes the festival program line-up also as a plain text blog posting in syndication:
Audiovisual Anthropology
April 20-22, 2012
Kino ZAZIE, Halle (Saale), Germany
Tag 1 – Freitag, 20. April 2012
Day 1 – Friday April, 20th 2012
Festival Opening: Samoa und die Arktis
19.00 h - 7pm [Festival-Eröffnung]
Circe‘s Place (Internationale Premiere)
B 2011, 78 min, dir: Guy Bordin & Renaud De Putter, prod: Anthony Rey & Massimo Iannetta
Sprachf.: Samoisch, Englisch, Inuttitut; engl. UT
Filmed in Samoa (South Pacific) and Mittimatalik (Canadian Arctic), Circe‘s Place brings together the Polynesian and Inuit worlds through a polyphony of stories. Fragmented and coherent, real and imaginary at the same time, they hint at questions about being and one‘s place in the world.
Greenland is awakening | Grönland erwacht
21.00 h - 9pm [1 Vorstellung = 3 Filme]
Arctic Spleen (OF, engl. UT)
It 2011, 15 min, dir:+prod: Piergiorgio Casotti
East Greenland has the highest suicide rate among people between 15 and 25 years old.
2 percent of them committing suicide and roughly 20 percent attempting every year. Why?
Greenland Year Zero (OF, engl. UT)
DK 2011, 26 min, dir: Anders Graver, Niels Bjørn, prod: Anders Drud
Greenland is presently facing some of the greatest changes in its history: political independence and autonomy from its former colonizer, Denmark, visible traces of climate change, melting ice, new oil and ore findings, that give birth to to dreams of considerable future profits.
Weisser Horizont – Robert Peronis letzte Reise ins ewige Eis Grönlands
[White Horizon] (dt. OF, engl. UT, deutsche EA)
CH 2011, 54 min, dir+prod: Humbi Entress
Italy born Robert Peroni used to be an outstanding sportsman and adventurer. Today he suffers from an incurable blood disease and he can hardly breath the cold air of East Greenland, where he lives and owns a sustainable tourism enterprise. His dream is to see the white horizon of the big ice cap in Greenland for the last time.
Body & Soul | hurt & troubled
23.00 h - 11pm [1 Vorstellung = 2 Filme]
Flesh that remembers (span. OF, engl. UT)
MEX 2009, 26 min, dir+prod: Dalia Huerta Cano
Film Essay: the story of 9 parts of different bodies which have suffered irrevocable modifications in one year. Growth, aesthetics and pathological changes are set on animations accompanied by statements and images of spaces that surrounded each character. – Understanding a hurt body in the context of an individual living.
ES 2009, 51 min, dir+prod: Arantza Diez Garcia, Carles de la Encarnación (arab. OF, engl. UT)
Life in the Gaza Strip means survival. The Gaza Strip is no man’s land, Palestinian land. The Israeli government has turned it into the world’s largest prison. A million and a half Palestinians struggle in it and the systematic violation of the human rights has shaken for life their spirits and their minds. Adham Tobail is a social assistant who works in the only mental health institution existent in Gaza: on 5 people and 5 traumas.
Tag 2 – Samstag, 21. April 2012
Day 2 – Saturday April, 21st 2012
India and the dream of a Western Life
Indien und der Traum vom westlichen Leben
18.00 h - 6pm [1 Vorstellung = 2 Filme]
A Dream Called America (engl. OF, dt. EA)
INDIA 2011, 24 min, dir+prod: Anoop Sathyan
Shahbaz, a 15 year old boy from poor parents in Gujarat, India, had studied in the US for a year on a scholarship, where he was hosted by an American couple. There he experienced a comfortable and carefree life, which highly contradicted his life in Gujarat. Coming back to his real home, Shahbaz therefore, finds it difficult to cope with the surroundings and people.
Living Like A Common Man (engl. OF, dt. EA)
NL 2011, 65 min, dir: Sanderien Verstappen, Prof. Mario Rutten, Isabelle Makay;
prod: University of Amsterdam, Department of Anthropology and Sociology — Youngsters in India dream of going to the West. They hope to earn money and get overseas experience to improve their positions at home. But once they arrive, they end up in low-status jobs and living crammed into small houses with other newly arrived migrants. This film follows the daily life in one such house in East London. The bunker beds are filled with young Indians, all from relatively wealthy families in Gujarat. When they return to visit India, their families have great expectations of their sons and daughters.
The Anthropology of Airports
Die Anthropologie des Flughafens
20.00 h - 8pm
Eternal Sunrise (multispr. OF, engl. UT, dt. EA)
ES 2011, 112 min, dir:+prod: Guzmán De Yarza, co-dir: Borja Echeverria
Madrid-Rio De Janeiro-Santiago De Chile-Miami-Mexico DF-Las Vegas-Los Angeles-Honolulu-Sydney-Singapore-Tokyo-Beijing-Johannesburg-London-Madrid. 16 airports in 25 days. Two artists turn the world around without ever leaving an airport taking close observations.
Die große ethnographische Dokumentation in der Tradition der französischen Schule
22.00 h - 10pm | Afrika – Nigeria – Sahel
Dance with the Wodaabes (OF, engl. UT, dtEA)
F 2010, 90 min, dir+prod: Prof. Sandrine Loncke
prod. with support of Centre de Recherche en
Ethnomusicologie, Ministère de la Culture (MRT), Société Française d’Ethnomusicologie, Institut Angenius. – In the heart of the Nigerien Sahel thousands of Fulbe Wodaabe nomads gather every year for a gigantic ceremony named the geerewol. For seven full days and nights, following the solar cycle, two lineages are opposed in a genuine ritual war, with for only weapons song and dance. The stakes of war, the clear challenge: stealing women. The ultimate purpose: to break in peace after having mutually expressed recognition of cultural conformity. The film is based on an active listening of the ritual‘s protagonists who chose to disclose the deep meaning of this tradition to us, conscious as they are that the ecological crisis striking Sahel makes such gatherings less and less likely in the future.
Tag 3 – Sonntag, 22. April 2012
Day 3 – Sunday April, 22nd 2012
16.00 h - 4pm | Globians Shorts Reel 2012
Die Globians Kurzfilm-Rolle 2012:
Alt & Jung [Old and Young]
1. ICE CAROSELLO (S 2010, 3 min, dir: Mattias Löw)
2. Puhelinkoppi (1882-2007) (USA 2010, 8‘, d: Hope Tucker)
3. Italian Popular Bench (It 2008, 10‘, d: Werther Germondari)
4. Palindrome (ES 2010, 4 min, dir: Roger Villarroya)
5. Charcoal Burners (PL 2010, 15‘, dir: Andrzej Zlotorowicz)
6. Still (AUSTRALIA 2011, 14 min, dir: Gustavo Faraco)
7. Samsui Women (SINGAPORE 2010, 7 min, dir: Derrick Lui)
8. Artzainak (ES 2010, 15 min, d: J. Griswold, J.A. Zubizarreta)
9. tananore love (TK 2010, 2 min, dir: Ebru Guney)
10. Miced-War of the Little Worlds (USA 2010, 3‘, d:R.Mullikin)
Urban Life in Transition: London and Saigon
18.00 h - 6pm [1 Vorstellung = 2 Filme]
Bonnington Square (engl. OF, dt. EA)
UK 2011, 20 min, dir+prod: Alistair Oldham
Bonnington Square is right in the heart of London. In the early eighties the one hundred houses of the Square were all squatted, forming a bohemian community from all around the world. Although the Square is no longer squatted, there are still many low rent housing cooperatives, and the cafe and the gardens are still collectively run: a modern sustainable urban community.
My Apartment Block (vietn. OF, engl.UT, dtEA)
VIETNAM 2009, 58 min, dir: Minh Trinh; prod:
André Van In. — Dramatic and turning-point changes to the film maker‘s apartment block in Ho Chi Minh City, where he was born and his familiy lived for 30 years. Foreign investment money is now starting to inflate, changing urban living.
Water for Africa | Wasser für Afrika
20.00 h - 8pm [1 Vorstellung = 2 Filme]
Carbon for Water (swahili OF, engl. UT, dt. EA)
USA 2011, 22 min, dir+prod: Evan Abramson, Carmen Elsa Lopez Abramson — In Kenya‘s Western Province, most drinking water is contaminated. The wood many Kenyans use to boil this water to make it safe is increasingly valuable. Yet waterborne illness remains a daily--and life-threatening--reality for them and their families.
The Well – Water Voices from Ethiopia
(oromo OF, engl. UT, deutsche Erstaufführung)
It 2011, 56 min, dir+prod: Riccardo Russo, Paolo Barberi; co-prod: Federico Schiavi
In the Oromia lowlands, in the South of Ethiopia, when the drought is coming the Borana herders gather with their livestock, after days and days of walk, around their ancient singing wells. The film follows their life during a whole dry season, showing a unique traditional water management system that allows to manage the little available water as the property and right of everyone, without any money being exchanged.
22.00 h - 10pm [Festival-Closing]
Westall ‘66: A Suburban UFO Mystery
AUSTRALIA 2010, 49 min, dir: Rosie Jones
prod: Carmel McAloon (OF, dt. EA) — In 1966, in the Australian suburb of Westall, hundreds of students, teachers and local residents witnessed a UFO hover overhead for several minutes, land and take off again at incredible speed. Silenced by authorities at the time, and still angry about not being believed, they now revisit the event.