Vorführungstermin: Samstag, 15. August 2009, 21 Uhr [VN46]
Themenschwerpunkt: Afrikanische Lebenswelten (6) | Kenia
Englischer Titel: Citizen Oketch
Originaltitel: Citizen Oketch
Deutscher Titel: Bürger Oketch
Herkunft: Schweden 2008
Laufzeit: 61 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung (tw. Swahili)
Regie: David Herdies, Georg Götmark
Produzent: David Herdies, Georg Götmark
Schnitt: Erlend Kristoffersen
Kamera: Loa Bie
Sprecher: Francis Ngiera Okello
Produktion: Filmfront STHLM, Stockholm
Weltvertrieb: Journeyman Pictures
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.filmfront.se
Premierenstatus: Welt-Festivalpremiere
Der Film wurde nach der Programmauswahl für das Globians Doc Fest Berlin von ARTE zur Sendung angekauft.
Ein Sendetermin steht derzeit noch nicht fest.
Kurzinhalt: Drei Jahre lang verfolgte ein schwedisches Dokumentarfilmer-Team das Leben der Familie Oketch in einem der größten Slums von Afrika, in Kibera, Nairobi (Kenia). Entstanden ist dabei ein Dokument des alltäglichen Kampfes ums nackte Überleben und die Bedrohung durch eine Krankheit, die eine ständige Todesdrohung bedeutet. Vor allem ist mit "Bürger Oketch" aber ein Film entstanden, der von den Freuden, den Freunden und von Liebe in einem Slum eines Landes erzählt, das extreme Ungleichheiten hervorgebracht hat. Das Leben im Slum ist durchdrungen mit akustischen Rhythmen von "99.9 Koch FM", dem Slum-Radiosender, der mit einem Edutainment-Konzept die Slumbewohner von Nairobi mit gezielten Nachrichten und populärer Musik versorgt.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2450032 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbz3nJ1TUCA
Englische Synopsis: Citizen Oketch is a film about people struggling to overcome the hardships of life in Kibera, one of East Africa's largest slums. But it is also a film about joy, friendship and about love. For two and a half years the directors, David Herdies and Georg Götmark, follow the life of George Oketch and Esther Okonyo as they raise their kids, fight to overcome the constant obstacles of disease and poverty, while trying to maintain a loving relationship. George and Esther are from different tribes, and their relationship was questioned already from the outset by their families. As Kenya is thrown into ethnical violence following the election in 2007, the family find themselves in the epicentre of the conflict, they have to protect their kids not only from the angry rioting mob but also from the teargas and gunshots of the police. Nevertheless, in the shadow of the massive media-coverage of burning slums, life in Kibera continues. And all this time George’s goal is to make enough money to be able to pay the dowry to Esther’s parents. This way they can legitimize their marriage, and secure the future of their children. Throughout the documentary, we hear the sounds of the ghetto radio station, 99.9 Koch FM, pumping out their own brand of “Edutainment” - Educating by entertainment, that serves the slums of Nairobi with concious messages and popular music.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: Citizen Oketch is a feature documentary revolving around the everyday struggle for survival in Kibera, Nairobi - East Africas largest slum. For two and a half years the directors, David Herdies and Georg Götmark, follow the life of George Oketch and Esther as they raise their kids, fight to overcome the constant obstacles of disease and poverty, while trying to maintain a loving relationship. George and Esther are from different tribes, and their relationship was questioned already from the outset by their families. As Kenya is thrown into ethnical violence following the election in 2007, the family find themselves in the epicentre of the conflict, they have to protect their kids not only from the angry rioting mob but also from the teargas and gunshots from the police. All this time George’s goal, is to make enough money to be able to pay the dowry to Esther’s parents, so that they can legitimize their marriage, and secure the future of their children. Throughout the documentary, we hear the sounds of the ghetto radio station, 99.9 Koch FM, pumping out their own brand of “Edutainment” - Educating by entertainment, that serves the slums of Nairobi with concious messages and popular music. Citizen Oketch is a film about people struggling to overcome the hardships of life, but it is also a film about joy, about friendship and about love in a slum, in one of the world’s most unequal countries.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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