Vorführungstermin: Mittwoch, 12. August 2009, 23 Uhr (Hauptfilm) — [VN 14]
Themenschwerpunkt: Heilung als kultureller und sozialer Prozess (3)
Englischer Titel: Something Unkown Is Doing We Don't Know What
Originaltitel: Something Unkown Is Doing We Don't Know What
Deutscher Titel: Etwas Unbekanntes tut etwas, von dem wir nicht wissen, was es ist
Herkunft: Südafrika 2009
Laufzeit: 105 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Renée Scheltema
Produzent: Renée Scheltema (executive producer); Paul Verhoeven (associate producer)
Schnitt: Renée Scheltema (also sound)
Kamera: Renée Scheltema
Musik: Roger Bashew
Produktion: Telekan CC, Kapstadt
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.somethingunknown.com
Premierenstatus: Deutsche Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: Arizona Int. Film Festival USA
Kurzinhalt: Ausführlicher Reisebericht zu renommierten US-amerikanischen Wissenschaftlern, die zu paranormalen PSI-Grenzphänomenen wie Telepathie, Wahrsagen, Telekinese, Fernwahrnehmung und Spontanheilungen im Auftrag der Regierung forschen.
Filmtrailer: http://blip.tv/file/2242989 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=016R1c4_HIc&feature=channel_page
Englische Synopsis: Is it possible that some people can read your mind (Telepathy)? ;or look into the future (Clairvoyancy)? How come some people can cure themselves while in the last stages of a deadly cancer? (Healing). Does mind over matter really exist, and if so, how do we explain this? (Telekinesis). In the US millions of people claim to ‘see’ distant objects or places (Remote Viewing); are they fooling us, or do they really see something? Do we have quantum-brains? And where is the boundary between 'real' magical powers and fraud? Can these ‘miracles of the mind’ be explained? Answers These and more questions will be answered in the documentary “Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What” (100 min.). This is a road movie, where filmmaker Renée Scheltema sets out to the US to meet prominent scientists with solid credentials who are doing research in this field, to see if there is any scientific evidence of psychic phenomena(‘psi’). Along the way, she meets a lot of psychics, and collects anecdotal stories…
Director's Bio: Renée Scheltema (1951) is a Dutch documentary filmmaker and photographer. After her degree in Criminology in 1974, she went to the University of California in Berkeley ( School of Journalism ). Her main subjects were TV-Journalism and Photo-Journalism. For 25 years Renée has worked for Dutch television as a director, producer and camera-person. Some of her documentaries, like “Hush”, a portrait of artist Tracy Payne; “Seven Days in Burma”, “The Death Penalty”, “Portrait of A Zen couple”, “The Bus” were selected at international filmfestivals. Renée has just finished a documentary feature on science and spirituality called “Something Unknown is doing we don’t know what” (www.SomethingUnknown.com) As a photographer, Renée has been working for magazines and newspapers in Holland, the US, and South Africa. She was a member of Gamma Liaison in New York (now called Getty Images). Renée lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
-MA. School of Journalism. University of California. Berkeley.
-Drs Criminology. University of Leiden. Netherlands
-Bachelor of Law. University of Leiden. Netherlands
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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