Vorführungstermin: Freitag, 14. August 2009, 15.15 Uhr (Hauptfilm) [VN32]
Themenschwerpunkt: Die Frische der kanadischen Provinz (2) Saskatchewan | Gay Stories (2)
Englischer Titel: Stubblejumper
Originaltitel: Stubblejumper
Deutscher Titel: Stoppelspringer
Herkunft: Kanada 2008
Laufzeit: 48 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: David Geiss
Produzent: David Geiss, Jarrett Rusnak
Drehbuch: David Geiss
Schnitt: David Geiss
Kamera: April Hall
Musik: Andrea Carlson
Produktion: da vid films inc., Regina, Saskatchewan
Vertrieb: Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, Toronto, Ontario
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.stubblejumper.ca
Premierenstatus: Europäische Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: Honolulu International Film Festival, Hawaii, USA (Aloha Accolade Award); Rhode Island International Film Festival, Rhode Island, USA; Philadelphia GLBT Arts Festival, Philadelphia, USA; Inside Out — Toronto Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival, Toronto, Kanada; Fairy Tales — Calgary Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Calgary, Kanada; Yorkton Film & Video Festival, Yorkton, Kanada (Emerging Filmmaker Award); Pride London Festival, London Ontario, Kanada.
Kurzinhalt: Die Lebensgeschichte des Doug Wilson aus dem Saskatchewan der 1970er-Jahre. Doug Wilson war damals im Umkreis von 1.000 Meilen die wohl sichtbarste Schwule Ikone in der kanadischen Provinz und damit zugleich Begründer einer Politisierung der Schwulenbewegung Kanadas, und zwar von der Peripherie der Provinz her.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2247761 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbQOXz93_LM&feature=channel_page
Englische Synopsis: Stubblejumper is an intimate and inspiring docu-drama biography on the life and work of 1970s Canadian gay activist Doug Wilson.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: In the fall of 1975, while attending the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, Doug Wilson placed the following ad in the students’ newspaper: “Anyone interested in participating in a campus gay organization, contact Doug Wilson, Box 203, College of Education.” — Four days later, Doug was suspended from his job supervising student teachers. A committee was formed to defend Doug, and an investigation was launched through the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. Doug was propelled into a kind of stardom, serving as the poster boy for the gay rights movement not only in Saskatchewan, but all over the country. Though he did not win his case, the event would serve as the catalyst for a fascinating life that would follow, filled with activism, art, performance, politics, and a touching yet tragic love story. Never letting go of his prairie roots, Doug remained a farm boy at heart, and spent much of his time and energy advancing the basic human rights of people in Canada and abroad. Inside this man existed many constant struggles - between fitting in and tanding out; between fame and humility; between acceptance and rejection. tubblejumper is a 48 minute docu-drama based on the life and work of Doug Wilson. Producer / Writer / Director David Geiss blends archival photographs, audio, text, and film with contemporary interviews and dramatic portrayals. The unique storytelling style reflects the varying work and personality of the film’s subject. This inspiring tale will educate and entertain its audience, continuing the legacy of Wilson’s work.
Kurzbio Regie: After growing up on a family farm, David Geiss received a BFA in Film & Video Production from the University of Regina in 2004 and has since been a freelance independent filmmaker and artist living in Saskatchewan, Canada. His 2006 documentary Queen City won the Best Documentary award at the Canadian National Youth Film Festival in Ottawa, and has been broadcast on SCN. His current film Stubblejumper has received an Aloha Accolade Award at the Honolulu International Film Festival, and will broadcast on SCN in 2009. David has also spent time working in the local industry on larger scale projects such as Corner Gas, and Little Mosque on the Prairie. He is currently the Editor of the independent film magazine Splice, and has dedicated much time to volunteering and working with organizations including the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative, the Regal Social Association of Regina, and Queer City Cinema film festival.
Filmographie Regie:
Stubblejumper: based on the life of Doug Wilson; Director, Producer, Writer, Editor; 48:00 / Docu-Drama / 2008
Queen City; Director, Producer, Director of Photography, Editor; 43:00 / Documentary / 2006
Texas Tea Thirty; Animator; 1:00 / Animation / 2007
Texas Tea Two; Animator; 3:00 / Animation / University of Regina / 2004
Texas Tea; Animator; 1:00 / Animation / University of Regina / 2003
Long Live The Queen; Director, Director of Photography, Editor; 12:00 / Documentary / 2004
Preferred Stock; co-Director, co-Editor; 8:00 / Dark Comedy / 2005
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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