Vorführungstermin: Donnerstag, 13. August 2009, 22.15 Uhr [VN26]
Themenschwerpunkt: Yes we can! — Obamas Amerika (7)
Englischer Titel: Standard Deviation
Originaltitel: Standard Deviation
Deutscher Titel: Norm-Abweichung
Herkunft: USA 2008
Laufzeit: 40 min
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Christopher Brannan, David Randag
Produzent: Christopher Brannan, David Randag
Schnitt: David Randag
Kamera: Christopher Brannan, David Randag, Joshua Woltermann, Steven Puglia
Musik: Thad Anderson
URL Film-Homepage:
Premierenstatus: Internationale Premiere
Bisherige Aufführungen: Buffalo Niagara Film Festival, Buffalo (New York) USA; Student Emmy Awards Gala/Screening, Student Emmy in Documentary Film, Culver City (Kalifornien) USA; Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, Fort Lauderdale (Forida) USA (First Place, Student Films); San Francisco Documentary Festival, San Francisco (Kalifornien) USA; Daytona Beach Film Festival, Daytona Beach, USA (Audience Award); Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, North Hollywood (Kalifornien) USA; Jacksonville Film Festival, Jacksonville (Florida), USA.
Kurzinhalt: Die Lebensgeschichte des Billy Cottrell, der als hochbegabter und talentierter Nachwuchsforscher der Astrophysik durch die Verübung von Brandanschlägen auf Autohäuser (mit Totalschäden an über 130 Geländewagen) zu einem Öko-Terroristen wurde und nach seiner Verhaftung nun im Gefängnis sitzt.
Trailer: http://blip.tv/file/2237266 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CROtB7FDJ0w&feature=channel_page
Directors' Statement: http://blip.tv/file/2237288
Englische Synopsis: Standard Deviation is a documentary film about Billy Cottrell, the brilliant young physicist turned ecoterrorist.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: Standard Deviation is the story of Billy Cottrell, the brilliant young physicist turned eco-terrorist. From an early age it was clear that Billy Cottrell was different from the other children. His passion for math and physics was only intensified by his inability to connect with other children. Despite the struggles of his childhood and adolescence, at age 23 Billy was living his dream as a physicist. Billy had won a coveted spot as a PhD candidate in string theory at the prestigious California Institute of Technology. To the shock of everyone the FBI arrested Billy in March 2004. Billy had been caught sending e-mails to the Los Angeles Times claiming responsibility for a series of arsons and the vandalism for over 130 SUVs. In order to understand how Billy could become involved in such activity his loved ones look for clues in his past to understand the young genius who is looking to spend the rest of his life in prison. Standard Deviation is the pursuit of the truth and motivations of Billy Cottrell from his childhood to the events leading to his incarceration.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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