Vorführungstermin: Donnerstag, 13. August 2009, 14 Uhr [VN21]
Themenschwerpunkt: Yes we can! — Obamas Amerika (1)
Englischer Titel: Fremont, U.S.A.
Originaltitel: Fremont, U.S.A.
Deutscher Titel: Fremont, U.S.A.
Herkunft: USA 2008
Laufzeit: 57 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Ellie Pierce, Rachel Antell, Erika Trautman
Produzent: Ellie Pierce, Rachel Antell (The Pluralism Project)
Schnitt: Erika Trautman, Rachel Antell, Steve Bissinger (sound)
Kamera: Steve Bissinger
Sprecher: Diana Eck
Produktion: Harvard University, Cambridge (Massachusetts)
URL Film-Homepage:
Premierenstatus: Europäische Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: Hearts and Minds Film Festival, Delaware, USA; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; Fremont Alliance for a Hate Free Community, Fremont, California, USA; American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
Kurzinhalt: Im Buchtgebiet San Franciscos liegt Fremont; der dortige Umgang mit ethnischem, religiösem, kulturellem Pluralismus in direkter Nähe zum Silicon Valley.
Englische Synopsis: 'Fremont, U.S.A.' explores conflict and cooperation in a religiously diverse California city.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: Fremont, U.S.A. offers a glimpse of religious diversity on the local level. Fremont, California is a city transformed by new immigration; here, the majority ethnic group is now Asian. A rajagopuram rises in a tidy suburban neighborhood, announcing the vital presence of the Hindu community. The diversity of the global Buddhist community is also in evidence, as Thai, Chinese, and Burmese temples – and a women’s monastic retreat center – dot the landscape. Fremont is home to Peace Terrace, where Muslims and Christians have built side by side, and Gurdwara Road, where a large Sikh community engages in creative forms of outreach. Through civic engagement and interfaith action, strangers have become neighbors in this American city. Yet Fremont has faced real challenges, especially after 9/11. When Alia Ansari, a Muslim woman, is murdered, some wonder if it was a hate crime. Was she killed because of her headscarf? How will the wider community respond? The film has six sections: Introduction: The mayor, city council members, and police chief offer a brief introduction to the City of Fremont, California as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. New Religious Landscape: As Fremont’s religious landscape has been transformed, new relationships are being forged in this multireligious city. Civic Engagement: The City of Fremont responds to its growing diversity, creating an innovative program for the elderly and responding to hate violence. New Challenges: After 9/11, Fremont faces new challenges and develops unprecedented outreach and bridge-building efforts. Alia Ansari: When a Muslim woman is brutally murdered while walking to school with her young daughter, the Fremont community is called upon to respond. Fremont Moves Forward: Amidst challenge and change, citizens in Fremont look to the future. The Pluralism Project at Harvard University developed Fremont, USA. For more than a decade, the Pluralism Project has studied and documented the new religious landscape of the United States. Dr. Diana L. Eck, Director of the Pluralism Project, narrates the film; it was produced and directed by Rachel Antell and Elinor Pierce.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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