Vorführungstermin: Freitag, 14. August 2009, 20.30 Uhr [VN36]
Themenschwerpunkt: Neues Denken aus Brasilien (1) | Archäologie - Anthropologie - Ethnologie (4) | Müll (1)
Englischer Titel: Mountain Maker
Originaltitel: Fazedor de Montanhas
Deutscher Titel: Berg-Erzeuger
Herkunft: Brasilien 2008
Laufzeit: 52 min.
Sprachfassung: Portugiesische Orignalfassung mit englisch-deutschen Untertiteln
Regie: Juan Figueroa
Produzent: Alcione Alves, Marcelo Sollero
Schnitt: Pedro Duarte, Marcelo Tupi (sound)
Kamera: Carlos Nascimento
Produktion: Imagem Essencial, São Paulo
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.fazedordemontanhas.com.br/english/index.html
Premierenstatus: Deutsche Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: CINESTRAT Film Festival, Spanien, Bahia Int. Film Festival, Brasilien; Sâo Paulo Int. Film Festival, Brasilien;
Kurzinhalt: Müll als mentaler Ausdruck und zivilisatorisches Problem.
Trailervideo: http://globians.blip.tv/file/2252813 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j81LEs8z8hE
Englische Synopsis: Phenomena that are apparently simple conceal extremely complex behaviors. Waste is perhaps that which we do not wish to see.
Director's Statement: MOUNTAIN MAKER BY ITS DIRECTOR I wanted to make a naked movie, a bare-bones movie. The one left after the decomposition of the flesh of film, which is action, movement. I wanted a nearly static movie, stuck like a stake, as a sign, a landmark, so that movement would be added by the spectator with his own images. The spectator is the one who has to give the film a body. His own body. I conceived Mountain Maker at a time I was fascinated by the theory of chaos. I had just found out this way of seeing the world that at last brought science, thought, and poetry together, and I thought it would be an excellent way to try to understand such an apparently simple phenomenom as waste. Alcione Alves, my producer, and I made a serious effort to find people who dealt with each of the levels into which we wanted to inquire: material waste; the human being treated as waste by a depredating society; the mental waste each individual carries; and the conceptual waste imposed on us without our awareness. By covering this chaotic universe we hoped to reach an order, a principle that would integrate all those dimensions. The result surprised us. In each step a law was obeyed: waste is everything we do not want to see. It is thus of little use to keep on discussing about the ozone layer or atomic recycling if previously we do not solve the problem of our own inner waste, origin of all the others, like a stone thrown into the water, that produces concentric waves. Indifference first makes things into waste, soon dehumanizes us to the point where we get mixed with it. Sleepless characters throughout the movie remind us of this law. More than a documentary, Mountain Maker is an essay-film. Participants were not interviewed in a strict sense. They were not pieces of a puzzle. We treated them as actors, with detailed screenplays based on each one’s ideas, and precise framings. They were all shot in a black box, assimilated to one another, without references to their names or jobs. We intended to create a continuum of words from which inner dialogues, and image associations could arise, spiral rather than straight ideas. Mountain Maker is an expedition inwards, an anabasis in Greek sense. Waste could be its pretext. Waste as a phenomenon of human spirit, rather than a consequence of human action. JUAN FIGUEROA
Englische Kurzbio JUAN FIGUEROA, Regisseur: Born in Toledo, Spain, in 1965. He is graduated in Philosophy from the University of Salamanca, Spain. He studied filmmaking in Madrid, São Paulo, and San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. His short films are Lixografías (2001), Sunday 23rd Octuber (2005), screened at the 17º Gerona International Film Festival, Molino Individuo (2006), Auto de Fe (2007), and Jardin Cerrado (2008). Mountain Maker is a medium-length essay-film and won the Jury’s Special Prize at Cinestrat 2008, Spain. He has written a book of poems, Séptimo Seísmo (ed. Librosprohibidos, Salamanca, Spain, 2008) and translated Paulo Bomfim.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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