Vorführungstermin: Samstag, 15. August 2009, 22.15 Uhr [VN47]
Themenschwerpunkt: Afrikanische Lebenswelten (7) | Burkina Faso | Kenia | Malawi | Mali | Marokko | Niger
Englischer Titel: One Day in Africa
Originaltitel: One Day in Africa
Deutscher Titel: Ein Tag in Afrika
Herkunft: USA 2008
Laufzeit: 78 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Brook Silva-Braga
Produzent: Brook Silva-Braga
Schnitt: Brook Silva-Braga
Kamera: Brook Silva-Braga
Musik: Jimmy Khoury
Produktion: Earthchild Productions, Portsmouth, Rhode Island
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.onedayinafrica.com/
Premierenstatus: Europäische Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: Newport Beach Film Festival, Newport Beach (Kalifornien) USA; Boston International Film Festival, Boston (Massachusetts) USA; Cleveland International Film Festival, Cleveland (Ohio) USA; San Francisco United Film Festival, San Francisco (Kalifornien) USA;
Kurzinhalt: Am konfliktreichen Wendepunkt zwischen kultureller Tradition und heutiger Globalisierung ein filmisches Porträt von sechs Afrikanern aus Burkina Faso, Kenia, Malawi, Mali, Marokko und Niger — mit grundverschiedenem geographischen und kulturellen Hintergründen und Kontexten also. Filmemacher Brook Silva-Braga erzählt auf diese Weise sechs Versionen des zeitgenössischen, afrikanischen Alltagslebens.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2239870 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD8WSFsyLRM&feature=channel_page
Englische Synopsis: At the messy juncture of tradition and modernity six people from different geographic and cultural backgrounds describe six versions of the African story.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: In Kenyan offices and Malawian hospitals, in Moroccan tea houses and Nigerien huts normal people of various backgrounds go about their day. For them, life in the Third World isn't about desperate squalor or improbable triumph; it’s a complex, imperfect existence at odds with the stunning pictures beamed out from African safaris or the sad stories written to spur donations to Western aid groups. Before breakfast, Bridgete turns on the TV in her large, empty living room and sweeps the floor with a hand broom. She’s nine months and six days pregnant but her daughter Alice says she doesn’t want a sibling. Her husband says he doesn’t want a girl. On the other side of the continent Howa is using a similar broom to clean the ground around her thatch-roofed house. She moved here just two months ago, following her new husband to a village he failed to accurately describe. It’s just another day at university for Sali in Burkina Faso. For 20 years her widowed mom sold porridge to send her daughters to school. Sali wants to pay her mom back but fears cronyism will keep her from getting a good job. A stolen entrance exam kept Brahim out of college in Mali but he’s out in his fields again today, manipulating a series of irrigation gates to feed his three wives and fourteen children. At the messy juncture of tradition and modernity six people from different geographic and cultural backgrounds describe six versions of the African story.
Infos zu Entstehung des Films auf Englisch: “One Day in Africa” is the second documentary feature by Brook Silva-Braga. In February 2008 he crossed from Spain to Morocco for an open-ended trip through Africa. His first film, “A Map for Saturday,” chronicled a yearlong adventure touching every major continent except Africa.
With a loose itinerary and no specific narrative goals, Silva-Braga began shooting one-day profiles of people he met along the way. The first was Osama, a shopkeeper in Fez, Morocco. After driving through the Sahara, Silva-Braga spent two months in French-speaking West Africa. In Burkina Faso he was introduced to a theater student; in Mali he found a rural farmer; in dusty Niger he met Howa, a newlywed still adjusting to the harshest elements of her new surroundings.
But overall Silva-Braga was surprised by the level of stability and security on the continent. “I was struck by the difference between the way most people led their lives and what I expected based on what I had seen in movies or read in magazines,” he says. “Almost everyone seems to go to Africa to tell a story about war or AIDS or orphans or misery. And while those things all exist they aren’t the day-to-day reality of most people.” That proved true even in hotspots like Kisumu, Kenya where fighting had ravaged the city after a disputed presidential election. Silva-Braga found his subject there by accident; while looking for a rental car he met Titus, who had survived the worst of the violence and was just a day from re-opening his travel agency and boutique. On other occasions Silva-Braga sought people with specific perspectives or circumstance. For a month in Malawi he attempted to profile a pregnant woman. Government bureaucracy sent him up and down the tall, narrow country before a young hospital chief consented to the filming. Silva-Braga returned to the United States in July 2008 to edit the film, collaborating with two key members of the “A Map for Saturday” team: musician Jimmy Khoury and animator Matt LaVoy.
Hinweis: Von Brook Silva-Braga zeigen wir am Sonntag, 16. August 2009, um 14 Uhr noch einen weiteren Film und zwar "A Map For Saturday" über Langzeit-Weltreisende als Sondervorführung für die CouchSurfer Community (als Programm-Wiederholung vom 3. Globians Doc Fest 2007).
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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