Vorführungstermin: Montag, 17. August 2009, 17.45 Uhr [VN64]
Themenschwerpunkt: Langzeit-Traumata (3) Holocaust | Heilung als kultureller und sozialer Prozessw (5)
Englischer Titel: Classmates of Anne Frank
Originaltitel: Classmates of Anne Frank
Deutscher Titel: Die Klassenkameraden von Anne Frank
Herkunft: Israel 2008
Laufzeit: 58 min.
Sprachfassung: Niederländisch-hebräisch-englische Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln
Regie: Eyal Boers
Produzenten: Eyal Boers, Ora Coster, Theo Coster
Drehbuch: Eyal Boers, Ora Coster
Schnitt: Hilla Haramatti, Michael Goorevich (sound)
Kamera: Uri Ackerman
Produktion: Theora Design, Tel-Aviv
Weltvertrieb: JMT Films Distribution and Worldwide Sales, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Vertriebsbeauftragte: Michael Treves, Aliza Coster
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.jmtfilms.com/document.htm#annefrank
Premierenstatus: Deutsche Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: Palm Beach International Film Festival, Palm Beach (Florida) USA; Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival, Los Angeles (Kalifornien) USA; Las Vegas International Film Festival, Las Vegas (Nevada) USA; European Independent Film Festival, Paris, Frankreich; Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, DaKINO International Film Festival, Bukarest, Rumänien;
Kurzinhalt: Ein Erfinder von Gesellschaftsspielen aus Israel kehrt in die Nachbarschaft seiner Kindheit in den Niederlanden zurück, um ein Wiedersehen mit fünf seiner und Anne Franks Klassenkameraden zu ermöglichen. Dabei entdeckt er eine überraschende Wahrheit über das Dorf, in dem er sich während des Zweiten Weltkriegs versteckt hielt.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2267932 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNHxvgOzJsc&feature=PlayList&p=4B4FE5E49176D406&index=29
Film intro excerpt: http://blip.tv/file/2267947 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VZP2TlOSnM&feature=PlayList&p=4B4FE5E49176D406&index=30
Englische Synopsis: A game inventor from Israel returns to his childhood neighbourhood in Holland to reunite with five of his and Anne Frank's former classmates, only to discover a surprising truth about the village where he was hiding during World War Two.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: To comprehend fully the events in the life of Anne Frank, one must listen to the voices of the children who were there with her, of those who remember her. Theo (Maurice) Coster, a famous games' creator from Israel, renews contact with six of his and Anne Frank's former classmates, only to discover an astonishing and confusing truth about the village where he was hiding during World War Two. Set against their childhood locations in Amsterdam, Westerbork Transit Camp and their current homes in Holland and Israel, these former classmates discuss their relationships with Anne and how they survived the war. Through these discussions, the film takes a bold and illuminating look at the different Dutch attitudes towards the war years in The Netherlands and towards the Holocaust. Anna Frank's Diary confirms the tragedy of the Holocaust and continues to debunk Holocaust deniers. The documentation of Anna's classmates, now in their eighties, strengthens the impact the Diary has on the world. The story of Anna's classmates is not only illustrated through interviews and discussions between the classmates themselves, but also through photographs, archival footage, personal scrapbooks and letters and other new resources.
Director's Bio: Eyal Boers is a creative film professional with experience in writing, directing, producing, research and camera. Eyal has a B.A. Degree from Tel Aviv University in Philosophy and Political Science and an M.F.A. degree from Tel Aviv University in Film and Television Studies. As part of his film studies, Eyal produced, directed and wrote two short dramas: "Chayal Boded"[A Lone Soldier], which won the award for best cinemtography at the 2007 Ashdod International Film Festival; and "What Matters", which won the bronze bear award at the 2005 Festival of Nations in Austria. Eyal has also worked as a cameraman for the Israeli and Dutch Television and as a Cinema teacher and lecturer at various Israeli colleges. He is a member of the Israeli Documentary Filmmakers Forum.
Anne Frank wäre heute, am 12. Juni 2009, 80 Jahre alt geworden. Es ist uns eine Ehre, diesen Film von Eyal Boers am heutigen Tag als Teil des Festival-Programms des Globians Doc Fest Berlin ankündigen zu können. Die Website des Anne-Frank-Zentrums in Berlin für weitere Informationen: http://www.annefrank.de/
Dieser Film aus dem Programm des Globians Doc Fest wird wiederholt und zwar am 25. November 2009 um 21.00 Uhr im Eiffelturm-Kino Berlin (im Centre Français de Berlin), Müllerstr. 74, U-Bahnhof Rehberge/Afrikanische Straße.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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