Vorführungstermin: Montag, 17. August 2009, 16 Uhr [VN63]
Themenschwerpunkt: Langzeit-Traumata (2) Indonesien | Archäologie - Anthropologie - Ethnologie (7) | Heilung als kultureller und sozialer Prozess (4)
Englischer Titel: 40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy
Originaltitel: 40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy
Deutscher Titel: 40 Jahre Schweigen: eine indonesische Tragödie
Herkunft: USA 2008
Laufzeit: 96 min.
Sprachfassung: Indonesisch-balinesisch-englische Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln
Regie: Robert Lemelson
Produzent: Robert Lemelson
Kamera: Dag Yngvesson
Schnitt: Dag Yngvesson, Emily Ng, Heidi Zimmerman, Kathy Huang, Wing Ko, Richard Henderson (sound)
Musik: Malcolm Cross
Produktion: Elemental Productions, Pacific Palisades (Kalifornien)
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.elementalproductions.org
Premierenstatus: Internationale Premiere
Bisherige Aufführungen: Boston International Film Festival, Boston (Massachusetts) USA;
Kurzinhalt: Es ist einer der größten Massenmorde des 20. Jahrhunderts, kaum bekannt und noch weniger erinnert: Im Machtspiel des Kalten Kriegs lässt General Suharto in Indonesien zwischen 500.000 und 1.000.000 Menschen als angebliche "Kommunisten" ermorden und zwar in einem extrem komplexen Folge von Ereignissen, die im Herbst 1965 beginnen. Das Suharto-Regime kann dadurch seine militärische Herrschaft und letztlich auch die Machtergreifung von Suharto als Staatsoberhauptes von Indonesien durchsetzen und für Jahrzehnte festigen. Wie auch bei der Schreckensherrschaft der Roten Khmer in Kambodscha haben die südost-asiatischen Kulturen erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Aufarbeitung von Leiden, Schuld und Sühne. Die Anthropologe und Psychotherapeut Robert Lemelson versucht in dieser Langzeitstudie Wege der Aufarbeitung und Heilung für die überlebenden Opfer und ihre Familien aufzuzeigen: ein bewegender und erschütternder Film.
Teaser: http://blip.tv/file/2236913 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpppIAv-bV0&feature=channel_page
Trailer: http://blip.tv/file/2237350 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQAlqcV1QW0&feature=channel_page
Director's Statement: http://blip.tv/file/2237015
Englische Synopsis: In one of the largest unknown mass-killings of the 20th century, an estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were secretly and systematically killed in 1965 when General Suharto launched a bloody purge of suspected “communists” in Indonesia through a complex and highly contested series of events through which he ultimately gained power and the presidency. During Suharto's authoritarian rule, any discussion or memorializing of the killings that differs from the official state narrative has been suppressed. '40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy' follows the brave testimonies of four individuals and their families through a multi-generational perspective as they break the silence and reflect upon how the long-term, traumatic effects of the 1965 mass-killings has reverberated painfully in their lives till the present day
Englische Werkbeschreibung: Directed by documentary filmmaker and world renowned-psychological anthropologist Robert Lemelson, “40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy” is the moving feature length documentary film about one of the most horrific chapters in Indonesia’s history. In one of the largest unknown mass-killings of the 20th century, an estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were secretly and systematically killed in 1965, when General Suharto began a bloody purge of suspected “communists” throughout Indonesia. Wielding his growing influence through a complex and highly contested series of events to install his New Order regime, Suharto ultimately gained power and the presidency of the country. Under his authoritarian rule, any discussion, recognition or memorializing of the mass killings that differed from the Suharto’s official state narrative was quickly suppressed. “40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy” follows the compelling testimonies of four individuals and their families from Central Java and Bali, two regions heavily affected by the purge. As they break their silence publicly for the first time, each family provides an intimate and frightening look at what it was like for survivors of the mass-killings. In chilling detail, they describe the events of 1965 through their own experiences, re-living and reflecting upon the stigmatization and brutalization they continue to endure on both the village and state levels. Over time, the survivors and their families attempt to find ways to deal with a tragedy that was, and is still not, openly recognized by their neighbors, government or the world. Through their stories, the audience will come to understand modern-day Indonesia’s potential for retribution, rehabilitation and reconciliation within this troubled historical context. “40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy” was produced by Lemelson’s Elemental Productions. Based in Los Angeles, Elemental Productions is dedicated to the production of ethnographic documentaries focusing on the relationship between culture, psychology and personal experience in Indonesia and the United States. For more information on “40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy,” Elemental Productions and other films from the company, please visit www.elementalproductions.org.
Dieser Film aus dem Programm des Globians Doc Fest wird wiederholt und zwar am 25.November 2009 um 18.30 Uhr im Eiffelturm-Kino Berlin (im Centre Français de Berlin), Müllerstr. 74, U-Bahnhof Rehberge/Afrikanische Straße.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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