Vorführungstermin: Samstag, 15. August 2009, 15 Uhr (Vorfilm) [VN42]
Themenschwerpunkt: KinoÜberKino (2)
Englischer Titel: The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist
Originaltitel: Die Abenteuer des Kinovorführers
Deutscher Titel: Die Abenteuer des Kinovorführers
Herkunft: Deutschland 2008
Laufzeit: 4 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Max Sacker
Produzent: Heleen Gerritsen, Max Sacker
Drehbuch: Max Sacker
Darsteller: Nikolai Kinski, Senta Dorothea Kirschner
Schnitt: Max Sacker
Kamera: Dustin Wallrap
Musik: Zoe Keating
Produktion: A-Film Productions, Berlin
URL Film-Homepage: www.maxsacker.com
Bisherige Aufführungen: Rhode Island International Film Festival, Providence, (Rhode Island) USA; Filmaka.com Annual Feature Film Competition, Runner Up, www.filmaka.com.
Kurzinhalt: Ein Husarenritt durch die Filmgeschichte, erzählt in einem 4-minütigen Kurzfilm um die Abenteuer eines Filmvorführers, der intensive Beziehungen mit den von ihm projizierten Leinwandheldinnen eingeht.
Behind the Scenes of "The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist": http://blip.tv/file/2239244
Englische Synopsis: The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist starring Nikolai Kinski and Senta Dorothea Kirschner, tells the (very short) story of a cinema projectionist (Kinski) who becomes entangled in a dangerous liaison with a silver screen femme fatale (Kirschner). Spanning several cinema styles from silent movie to sword and scandals Technicolor to Film Noir, the film was shot on 16mm film in under four days in Berlin, Germany using old cameras from the Soviet Union.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist tells the short story of a cinema projectionist who discovers a mysterious film and upon projecting it, becomes enamored with a siren-like actress who lures him into the film, only to betray him in order to escape the film and turn into color. Featuring fantastic performances by acclaimed actor Nikolai Kinski (son of legendary actor Klaus Kinski) and Senta Dorothea Kirschner, the film is essentially a series of homage scenes ranging from the silent film of the early 1920s, to Technicolor 'sword and scandal' epics, to classical Film Noir. The story takes us from the laboratory of a mad scientist to the catacombs of ancient Rome to the streets of Nazi occupied Europe in an authentic aesthetic crafted with meticulous attention to detail: The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist was shot on 16mm film using a combination of vintage cameras from the former Soviet Union and modern Arri equipment and was partially processed by hand using a Russian Lomo tank. Shot in four consecutive days by a team of young, undiscovered students and filmmakers and on a non-existent budget the film is testimony to the fact that it is possible to shoot on celluloid with restricted finances. Written, Directed and Produced by Max Sacker, Cinematography by Dustin Wallrap, Executive Producer Heleen Gerritsen of A-Film productions.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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