Vorführungstermin: Mittwoch, 12. August 2009, 23 Uhr (Vorfilm) — [VN 14]
Themenschwerpunkt: Astronomie | Mythologie & Astrologie (2) | Würdigungen (1)
Englischer Titel: Naming Pluto
Originaltitel: Naming Pluto
Deutscher Titel: Eine Name für Pluto
Herkunft: UK 2008
Laufzeit: 13 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Ginita Jimenez
Produzent: Ginita Jimenez
Drehbuch: Ginita Jimenez
Schnitt: Hal Watmough, John Holloway, Richard Laker, Esther Smith (Sound)
Kamera: Callum Rex Reid, Dani Russel, Dominic Jones
Musik: Moritz Schmittat
Produktion: Fatherfilms London
URL Film-Homepage: www.fatherfilms.com
Premierenstatus: Deutsche Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: LA Femme Festival USA, Waterford International Film Festival Irland, Filmstock 9 UK, Paso Robles Digital Film Festival USA, Madurai Int. Film Festival Indien, Jaipur International Film Festival Indien, Through Women’s Eyes USA, Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival USA, Cinequest Film Festival USA, Atlanta Film Festival USA, OXDOX UK, London Int. Fest of Science Fiction & Fantastic Film UK, Worldfest Houston USA, Rincon Int. Film Festival Puerto Rico, Athens Int. Science Film Festival Greece, Australian Science Festival Australia, Krakow International Film Festival – Marketplace Polen, Poppy Jasper Film Festival USA; Palace Short Film Festival, Bulgaria. KidsFilm First! Festival, USA; Soho Rushes, UK. Palm Springs Short Film Festival, USA;
Kurzinhalt: Porträt der kürzlich verstorbenen Namensgeberin des Planeten Pluto, Venetia Phair, und darüber, wie man überhaupt Planeten findet. Als 11-jährige Schülerin im Oxford des Jahres 1930 schlug sie während eines Familienfrühstücks den Namen Pluto für den damals jüngst gefundenen Planeten X vor und sichert sich damit einen Platz in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2242981 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjrh_Y-iNL4&feature=PlayList&p=4B4FE5E49176D406&index=8 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6D9AQuB3QU
Englische Synopsis: In 1930 Venetia Burney Phair gave the planet Pluto its name. At the time she was an 11-year-old schoolgirl living with her mother and grandparents in Oxford, England. This film looks back at the extraordinary chain of events in astronomical history and witnesses Venetia's first viewing of Pluto on the eve of her 89th birthday, 77 years after its discovery. This is Naming Pluto. Sadly, Venetia passed away on April 30th, aged 90. This screening at Globians Doc Fest Berlin is dedicated to her memory.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: This is the story of the Venetia Burney Phair, the only person alive to have ever named a planet. As an 11-year-old Oxford schoolgirl in March 1930, she came up with the suggestion for the name of the newly discovered Planet X over a family breakfast and making a unique contribution to scientific history. On August 24 2006, Venetia witnesses another moment in Pluto’s life, when the International Astronomical Union formally downgrades Pluto to a dwarf planet, splitting the scientific community and undoing 70 years of learning for millions of children around the world.
This film focuses on a previously undocumented chapter of astronomical history and is privy to exclusive interviews with Venetia and her collection of impeccably preserved scrap books painstakingly managed by her grandfather, Falconer Madan, at the time of Planet X’s discovery. Telegrams, letters, photographs and 1930’s press cuttings support his granddaughter’s involvement in astronomical history. Weeks following Pluto's demotion Sir Patrick Moore, CBE, renowned author and astronomer invites Venetia to view Pluto through his home telescope but because of its vast distance from Earth, a conclusive viewing of the planet does not materialise. Venetia waits one year later for another opportunity to view Pluto, this time at the Science Observatory in Herstmonceux, England. And bizarrely, on the eve of her 89th birthday. The film also includes interviews from Sir Patrick Moore, Robert Massey of the Royal Astronomical Society and the support of Nasa, the Bodleian Library Oxford and Cambridge University. This is Naming Pluto. Sadly, Venetia passed away on April 30th, aged 90. This screening at Globians Doc Fest Berlin is dedicated to her memory.
Dieser Film aus dem Programm des Globians Doc Fest wird wiederholt und zwar am 02. Dezember 2009 um 22.15 Uhr im Berliner Kino "Eva Lichtspiele", Blissestraße 18, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, U-Bahnhof Blissestraße.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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