Vorführungstermin: Freitag, 14. August 2009, 19 Uhr (Hauptfilm) [VN35]
Themenschwerpunkt: Essayfilme (5) | Kinderseelen (3)
Englischer Titel: Certainty
Originaltitel: Certainty
Deutscher Titel: Gewissheit
Herkunft: Kanada 2009
Laufzeit: 44 Min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: David Hauka
Produzent: David Hauka
Schnitt: David Hauka
Kamera: David Hauka
Musik: Glass, Preisner, Keating, Apocalyptica
Produktion: Hauka Films Inc., Vancouver, Kanada
URL Film-Homepage:
Premierenstatus: Weltpremiere
Kurzinhalt: Kindheitserfahrungen als die Gewissheiten des Lebens: Über Leben, Tod und Bäume hochklettern, den Fluss der Zeit und den der Geschichte, Geschichten über Liebe und die des Verlustes sowie über das Wettrennen zum Mond inklusive Atombombentests.
Rezension/Review: http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/movie-guide/Filmmaker+poetic+essay+plumbs+deep+questions/1673677/story.html
Englische Synopsis: Set to the music of Glass, Preisner, Keating and Apocalyptica, 'Certainty' is a compelling examination of life, death and climbing trees. Tales of love, loss and the Race for the Moon set against the flux of time - 'Certainty.'
Englische Werkbeschreibung: Set to the music of Glass, Preisner, Keating, Prokofiev and Apocalyptica (among others), 'Certainty' is an exploration of life, death and climbing trees. Weaving film from the filmmaker's personal archive with the Space Race and nuclear tests, the film is a compelling look into personal loss set against the flux of time and history.
David Hauka was nominated as "Best Director of a First Feature Film" in 1992 by the Academy of Canadian Cinema for his film "Impolite.” “Solus,” a half hour dance film featuring Owen Montague of Canada’s National Ballet, won a Gold Plaque at the Chicago International Film Festival and placed 2nd at the New York Dance on Camera Festival.
Hauka has directed music videos for artists such as Sarah Mclachlan, Lava Hay, Moev and Hilt. His early short films were featured at film festivals in Europe, Australia and the United States.
Recently, Hauka has completed several short films, including “Dream” and “Alberta Ride of the Valkyrie.” Both these films have been featured at international film festivals in Europe and North America.
Dieser Film aus dem Programm des Globians Doc Fest wird wiederholt und zwar am 09. Dezember 2009 um 20.00 Uhr im Eiffelturm-Kino Berlin (im Centre Français de Berlin), Müllerstr. 74, U-Bahnhof Rehberge/Afrikanische Straße.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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