Vorführungstermin: Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 14 Uhr (Vorfilm) [VN53]
Themenschwerpunkt: Weltreisen | Bhutan
Englischer Titel: The Last Dragon Kingdom
Originaltitel: The Last Dragon Kingdom
Deutscher Titel: Das letzte Königreich des Drachen
Herkunft: USA 2009
Laufzeit: 7 min.
Sprachfassung: Der Film enthält keine Dialoge.
Regie: Aine Carey, David Emery
Produzent: Aine Carey, David Emery
Schnitt: Dan Oberle
Kamera: Jim LeBlanc
Kurzinhalt: Kurzfilm über Bhutan im rapiden Wandel der Globalisierung.
Englische Synopsis: This short film is a meditation on the nature of change and the Buddhist precept of impermenance. A visual journey through the ancient Kingdom of Bhutan, a Buddhist country experiencing dramatic changes in their society. This film is a metaphor for the rest of us in the Global Village. How can we embrace change consciously and learn from this brave little country the ways to balance our needs and desires as we navigate this changing, evolving world? Hopefully this film might encourage all of us to ask the same important question facing Bhutan: What is the Middle Way?
Englische Werkbeschreibung: For centuries the Kingdom of Bhutan has remained isolated from the outside world. Called 'The Last Shangri-La' and 'The Greenest Place on Earth,' it is a devout Buddhist country ruled by a benevolent monarchy and guided by the King's precept, 'more important than Gross National Product is Gross National Happiness.' Now, in the 21st Century, they are opening their doors to trade and development. The King made a decree to hold public elections and now they are a Parliamentary Democracy. What will globalization bring? How will they protect their unique culture and environment? The Last Dragon Kingdom presents Bhutan as a metaphor of the spiritual path, how to be 'in' the world and not 'of' the world. Like each of us, our journey through life is a one-way street and we can't go back to that simpler, more peaceful time of our youth. Change is inevitable, it is the impermanent nature of all things. The challenge for Bhutan is to find the correct path, 'The Middle Way.' And it is also our challenge as we welcome this newest member into the Global community. We must share the responsibility for Bhutan's well-being, just as we must share the responsibility for the well-being of the planet. The choices the Bhutanese are making must resonate just as deeply in our hearts. In the most profound sense their future is our future.
SONDERVERANSTALTUNG in Kooperation mit der CouchSurfer-Community von Berlin und Potsdam: Freier Eintritt zu dieser Vorstellung bei Vorab-Registrierung zu diesem CS-Event unter http://www.couchsurfing.org/ (solange das Sitzplatz-Kontingent und damit die verfügbaren Eintrittskarten reichen). Die Registrierung bei bzw. unter http://www.couchsurfing.org/ ist ebenfalls kostenlos.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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