Vorführungstermin: Donnerstag, 13. August 2009, 20.30 Uhr [VN25]
Themenschwerpunkt: Yes we can! — Obamas Amerika (6) | Essayfilme (2)
Englischer Titel: 45365
Originaltitel: 45365
Deutscher Titel: Postleitzahl 45365, USA
Herkunft: USA 2009
Laufzeit: 90 min.
Sprachfassung: Englische Originalfassung
Regie: Bill Ross, Turner Ross
Produzent: Bill Ross, Turner Ross
Schnitt: Bill Ross
Kamera: Bill Ross, Turner Ross
Produktion: Ross Bros. Productions, Los Angeles
Kinoverleih: 7th Art Releasing (USA)
Weltvertrieb: 7th Art Releasing (USA)
URL Film-Homepage: http://www.45365movie.com
Premierenstatus: Europäische Erstaufführung
Bisherige Aufführungen: SXSW Film Festival, Austin (Texas), USA (Grand Jury Award Winner); Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, Durham (North Carolina), USA (HBO Emerging Filmmaker Award); Athens International Film and Video Festival, Athens (Ohio), USA (Third Prize Documentary Feature & Best Sound Design); Filmdayton Film Festival, Dayton (Ohio), USA; Newport Internation Film Festival, Newport (Rhode Island), USA; Rooftop Films, New York City (NY), USA; Wexner Center, Columbus (Ohio), USA; Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland (Ohio), USA.
Kurzinhalt: Der Strom an Ereignissen in der US-amerikanischen Kleinstadt Sidney (Ohio) wird zu einem collagierten Mosaik des Alltagslebens. Dieses Filmessay liefert dadurch einen assoziativen Einblick als Beantwortung der Frage: "Wie funktioniert Amerika?" '45365" steht in bester Tradition von Städteporträt-Filmen wie "Menschen am Sonntag" oder "Die Sinfonie einer Großstadt" und aktualisiert dabei den filmischen Formenkanon für unsere Gegenwart: die Perspektive entfernt sich von Metropolen als Maß aller Dinge urbanen Lebens und zielt bewußt auf die Provinz als Lebensraum der Zukunft.
Trailervideo: http://blip.tv/file/2249133 + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_ozhxv8IwQ&feature=channel_page
Englische Synopsis: ‘45365’ (pronounced: four, five, three, six, five) follows the lives and stories of a small town as they coalesce into a mosaic of faces, places, and events. The County Fair, a Barber Shop, the retirement home, a football team, a Judge’s race for re-election, a father and son, young love lost, arrest and sentencing are all explored in this sweeping survey of life in Sidney, Ohio.
Englische Werkbeschreibung: 45365’ (pronounced: four, five, three, six, five) explores the congruities of daily life in an American town – Sidney, Ohio. Through a patient and inquisitive look at the lives and landscapes that make up this community of 20,000 people, it captures the complexities and ambiguities of their shared experience. Conclusions are left to the audience as the component characters speak and act for themselves, as themselves. These storylines eventually coalesce into a mosaic of faces, places, and events. It is an inquiring look at everyday life in middle America. Set against the quaint and familiar backdrop of a small town in western Ohio, this is a film about the inner workings of a community and the ways in which its people interact and socialize. From the patrol car to the courtroom, the playground to the nursing home, the parade to the prayer service, it explores their relationships and interactions – with eachother and their environment. Father and son, boyfriends and girlfriend, cop and criminal, officials and the electorate, patrons and providers - it is a portrait of the city and its people. - people somehow not unfamiliar in a landscape that becomes increasingly understood. Void of direct interviews or staging, this film presents the residents of the town as they are in their daily lives. Using a series of long kinetic shots, the viewer is enabled to exist in real time with those being documented. The camera closes in on the mechanics of the moment with spontaneity and sincerity, acting as a clairvoyant conduit to a time now past. Focus is on the full and fluid scene - adrift in the situation as curious and patient observers. Through the people we see the town. Sidney is the small town experience. It is a community - of schools and sports and factories and neighborhoods and familiarity. Sidney is not devoid of social hierarchy or crime or any of the other concerns that are more often associated with more populated urban areas. They are just played out on a smaller stage. It is a microcosm of American life. Filmed over the course of nine months by two men raised in that town – natives with an intrinsic knowledge of their community and a feel for the tides of the town – ‘45365’ encapsulates the magnitude of small town America. Sidney and it’s people offer themes that we can all relate to – no matter how geographically different our experiences.
Dieser Film aus dem Programm des Globians Doc Fest wird wiederholt und zwar am 28. Oktober 2009 um 18.30 Uhr im Eiffelturm-Kino Berlin (im Centre Français de Berlin), Müllerstr. 74, U-Bahnhof Rehberge/Afrikanische Straße.
August 12 - 17, 2009
Kino Toni, Antonplatz
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